About Us
Community is core of our existence, nobody flourishes in silo. We believe nobody can know or do everything but everybody can know and do something and together create greater good for all through collective efforts and wisdom. Incepted in 2015, AgileVirgin as a country-wide communities of practice have created various programs for holistic development of Companies and Professionals.

If you want to serve communities then join hands with us.
We announce all these events & programs and call for their Servant Leaders on following 3 channels:
- Meetup (https://meetup.com/agilevirgin)
- LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/agilevirgin)
- Slack (https://join.slack.com/t/agilevirgin/shared_invite/zt-tbnlq6np-UcZUFnBpVT_eciqeWJO7Aw)
Join these channels to stay connected.
In case you need any help from us for your community development, then please contact us at support@agilevirgin.in . We shall do our best to help you reach your goal.

Started in 2017 by Deepti jain, Women In Agile and Tech is a collective effort to the bridge gap and create platform for more women and non-binary voices, providing a path to support and amplify a diverse and empowered community. It’s a platform where one woman helps another to build a sustainable network that extends the support year round, to women and allies within their network. The purpose of this initiative is to bridge gap between, and create platform for, women and non-binary voices, providing a path to support and amplify a diverse and empowered community so that they can:
- Uplift each other on personal and professional front
- Learn from and offer support to each other
- Create initiatives and programs that fulfil them personally and professionally
Women In Agile and Tech is a collective effort to the bridge gap and create platform for women and non-binary voices, providing a path to support and amplify a diverse and empowered community. It’s a platform where one person helps another to build a sustainable network that extends the support year round.
Started in 2018, today Women in Agile and Tech (WAT) is an office of 15 Offcers who run various Global Programs in collaboration with AgileVirgin. In addition to Lean-Agile-DevOps,